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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Donald Trump President

Donald Trump President - Donald Trump for President 2012

Donald Trump gives an interview to Hannity on Fox news about our situation over in Iraq, and Lybia and how he would like to make sure that the Unitied States gets the Oil before we leave those wars. Donald also speaks about how he knows why and how these countries like China and other countries are ripping us off and how were losing so much money from them. Japan treats us like fools for many years Donald says and were not getting anything out of it. Hannity brings up Obama care and Descressionary spending in the interview and Donald Trump says both parties need to work together to solve these problems. Donald says that he doesn't want to lose the election on stupid issues and he wants to have real debates.

Donald Trump says that he would balance the budget during his term, he says China is taking all our jobs and money and this is the problem with the economy and it will never come back as long as there is high unemployment and as long as China and countries like India keep taking our jobs and we keep outsourcing to them. Donald Trump says he has the best plan for this and that is to tax these countries if they don't come to the table and stop manipulating their currencies.

Donald's doctrine if he becomes President is to "Build Build Build", he also says once were out of Iraq, we need to take the oil, he also says if we don't take the Oil Iran will come in and take all the Oil and take over Iraq, and he also says that our soldiers will have died in vain and at a minimum we pay for their liberation but don't get anything else back for helping these countries. In regards to Nuculear, Donald Trump says he would never let Iran have a nuke. He is adamint on this and he doesn't want any country to have a nuke. He is also mad that Russie tries to dictate what we should have and can't have. Donald also says Obama is terrible for Isreal. Mr. Trump says he's a Prodistant and says that he is pro life and against gay marriage.